Clifford Seitter, Past Chief; current Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners
Summitville Fire District
Years of service: 37
Cliff Seitter joined the Summitville Fire Company back in 1986 for the same reason echoed by countless other volunteers. He wanted, he says, “to help out.”
It’s really that uncomplicated, he says with a bit of a shrug. Serving in the department is a big commitment - of time, especially - and it often takes patience and diplomacy to work with so many different personalities.
It’s coming up on four decades now, and he’s served as a firefighter, as a chief, and now as a company commissioner.
Seitter’s responsibilities have changed with the titles. As a commissioner his role is as an administrator, overseeing the budgeted and managing the business aspects of the department.
Why has he stayed all these years? HIs answer is a familiar one:
“To help out.”