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Ira “Moose” Liff
White Lake Fire Department, Firefighter?
Years of Service: 54
Occupation: Sales and Refuse
Ira Liff’s dad was the kind of guy who’d drop everything to help a neighbor.
In the middle of dinner? Sleeping? Didn’t matter.
Ralph Liff was also a firefighter, so dropping everything to help a neighbor was no rarity.
Looking back now, Ira figures he was about 10 years old when he set his sights on the fire service.
“I always looked up to my father. He was a giving man,” he says. “I wanted to be like him.”
And so Moose, as everyone at the firehouse calls him, has been dropping everything to help his neighbors for more than half a century.
When he does, he’s almost always thinking of his dad.
“I try to follow in his footsteps.”
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